
WashU offers two Qualtrics brands.

Select the brand needed for your survey’s sensitive data needs.

Qualtrics for Sensitive Data

For surveys that collect identifiable sensitive data

Defining Features:

  • 365-Day Data Retention Policy: Survey data will be deleted 365 days after the last survey response is received.
  • Sensitive Data Flags for Survey Creators
  • Sensitive Data Templates
  • General Qualtrics Functionality

Allowed Data:

  • This brand is required for any survey requesting PHI, PII, and other identifiable sensitive data.

Qualtrics for General Use

For general use by WashU faculty and staff

Defining Features:

  • Sensitive Data Flags for Survey Creators
  • General Qualtrics Functionality

Allowed Data:

  • This brand is limited to non-sensitive data.

Information Security Policies

Be sure to follow Washington University policies when storing and deleting data, including encryption of all identifiable sensitive data.

Survey Privacy Policies Guide – A PDF guide for survey creators on the Qualtrics survey privacy policies, the definitions of PHI/PII, how to access Qualtrics security and privacy settings, and more.

Export Survey Response Data (Excel.csv, Tableau, etc.) – A quick step-by-step guide to export survey response data.

Delete Survey Response Data – A quick step-by-step guide to delete survey response data.


Qualtrics for General Use is not approved for use with identifiable sensitive data, including PHI/PII. The software is strictly limited to purposes that support the mission of the university, including but not limited to academic and research purposes.  Large university-wide surveys of WashU faculty and/or students require advance approval from the Office of the Provost.  For any survey, we encourage sampling to avoid survey fatigue.  Any user who violates this rule will have their account terminated.

Consider legal, regulatory, and university policy requirements when collecting sensitive data. If unsure whether or not your survey questions contain or request sensitive data, contact these departments for guidance.

Both Qualtrics brands are limited to university-related activities, such as academic teaching or research.  The use of either Qualtrics brand for personal activities is prohibited.


These resources were developed to support Qualtrics users seeking to familiarize themselves with both Qualtrics for Sensitive Data and Qualtrics for General Use.

Qualtrics for Sensitive Data Guides

These guides support users in performing common tasks within this brand.

Self-Service Qualtrics User Guides

These guides support users in performing common tasks within either brand.

Self-Service On-Demand Training


Transferring Your Profile From One Qualtrics Brand to

Qualtrics users are recommended to transfer surveys from Qualtrics for General Use to Qualtrics for Sensitive Data for multiple reasons:

The existing survey in Qualtrics for General Use contains identifiable sensitive data.

Survey data with identifiable sensitive data stored in Qualtrics for General Use is recommended to be transferred or downloaded based on the surveyor’s needs.

Note: To prevent surveys transferred to Qualtrics for Sensitive Data with the last survey response date of more than 365 days ago from being deleted due to the 365 data retention policy:

  • Reopen the survey
  • Receive responses to reset the data retention deletion date

Note: Users with inactive surveys with identifiable sensitive data are recommended to download their survey data and store them in a secure location.

The surveyor prefers to use Qualtrics for Sensitive Data for their survey.

You can contact Qualtrics directly through the chat support feature within Qualtrics to request that they transfer your Qualtrics profile from the Wustl Qualtrics for General Use brand to the WashU Qualtrics for Sensitive Data brand.

Note 1: Qulatrics users have the option to transfer a small number of surveys over from Qualtrics for General Use to Qualtrics for Sensitive Data (view the training guide for instructions). Qualtrics support can transfer full user profiles with all survey projects between brands, but not single surveys.

Vendor Support

WashU provides users with support from Qualtrics. Support is available 24/7 at 1-800-340-9194 or through the Help menu within Qualtrics. You will be required to create a free support account using your WashU email address.

WashU IT Support

  • You can submit a General Service Request via Service Now for survey transfers, new groups, new divisions, or other new or existing features to be enabled in Qualtrics.

Qualtrics Updates

Qualtrics is updated weekly with new features, bug fixes, and security patches. Please visit the Weekly Product Release Notes page for more information and to join the XM Community.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a new or existing feature be enabled in either Qualtrics brands?

How do I set up a Qualtrics for Sensitive Data or Qualtrics for General Use Account?

Visit one.wustl.edu and select Qualtrics. Click to access the desired brand and enter your WUSTL Key credentials. After logging in for the first time with your WUSTL Key, Qualtrics will ask if you already have a Qualtrics account in that brand. If not, an account in the brand you accessed will be created for you.


Is there any associated cost with either Qualtrics brand?

There is no cost for using Qualtrics for Sensitive Data or Qualtrics for General Use. The university has a universitywide subscription with unlimited accounts. There are other products available by Qualtrics that may not be covered by this agreement.

Qualtrics News

Qualtrics for Sensitive Data Webinar 

Qualtrics for Sensitive Data Webinar 
Access the webinar: Zoom link Add to: Google Calendar | Outlook   A webinar to preview the new Qualtrics brand, Qualtrics for Sensitive Data, will be held April 18 at 11 a.m. Those who would like to see a demo of Qualtrics for Sensitive Data, ask questions, and learn more about this tool are welcome to attend. Users may also […]

New Tool: Qualtrics for Sensitive Data

A new Qualtrics brand, Qualtrics for Sensitive Data, will be available on April 25, 2024, to help survey creators requesting PHI/PII or sensitive data better align with WashU’s sensitive data policy. Qualtrics for Sensitive Data was developed with enhanced security settings including data retention features, a pre-built survey template for research with pre-configured security settings, […]

July 19: A New Generation of Qualtrics Widgets

Qualtrics has introduced a new generation of widgets to provide consistent and accessible widgets with improved visualizations. To simplify and consolidate our widget offerings, Qualtrics is removing three legacy widgets from the Add Widget menu on July 19, 2023. This means you will no longer be able to add/create these legacy widgets in dashboards. We […]

At-a-Glance Team Documents

Additional team-focused IT at-a-glance documents are here. They’re an introduction for new and existing IT staff who want to learn about WashU IT,  quick references about services each team provides, background about how to request work, information about team leadership, and how to view active work different teams have on their docket.   This content will […]