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Visit our Status Page for the current status of WashU IT services.

Learn about What Happens When You Contact IT for Support.

Workday Help

Visit the Workday website to log in and for other help and information.

If you are experiencing an issue or error with Workday, please report the issue to support using the Report an Issue catalog item or call 314-935-WDAY (9329).

Resources for Working Remotely

See our Telecommuting Resources page.

Troubleshooting your home internet

IT News

WashU IT OCM team engages in accessibility training for enhanced skills and greater inclusivity 

The IT Organizational Change Management (OCM) team has embarked on a journey to deepen their knowledge and professional skills in accessibility, defined as the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The initiative aligns with the WashU IT Customer Experience Plan, which aims “to make our customers feel confident, valued, and […]

Congratulations to WashU CIO Jessie Minton; winner of the 2024 Orbie Award in Large Enterprise Category 

WashU’s Chief Information Officer and Vice Chancellor for Technology, Jessie Minton, recently was named the 2024 Orbie award winner in the Large Enterprise category by the Inspire Leadership Network. The organization, which has recognized excellence in technology leadership since 1998, honors chief information officers who drive innovation and transform their region through their demonstrated excellence.  […]

IT Metrics

WashU IT captures a variety of metrics to enable us to monitor and evaluate the health of IT services. The WashU IT Metrics site provides a curated set of metrics for some of our most consumed services. (WUSTL Key required)