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Workday Annual Review self-evaluations now open, WashU IT offering office hours 

Self-evaluations opened Monday for Workday Performance Management’s pilot Annual Review pilot. Employees participating in the pilot, which includes WashU IT, have until 5 p.m. CT on Friday, Feb. 21 to enter their progress on FY25 goals, measuring them against WashU’s Competencies for Success and WashU IT Competencies

Managers will have five (5) weeks to complete the manager evaluations, which include having conversations with employees to share outcomes of the review and initiate the acknowledgement step. Times are being reserved during the final two weeks of March for managers to have 1:1 annual review conversations with employees. 

All performance reviews will advance to completion status by 5 p.m. CT on Monday, March 31. 

Emails from Chief Information Officer Jessie Minton recently were sent to WashU IT teams and BJC managers of Epic1 employees, providing links to recordings from pilot demonstrations held last week and information and links about upcoming WashU IT-specific office hours that will be held to address questions. Those with questions about the pilot or any processes involved are encouraged to reach out to their managers.  

More information about the Workday Performance Management pilot is available on the Workday website. Below are reference guides, which are step-by-step instructions on how to complete each of the Annual Performance Review processes: