Name: Daniel Unah
Grade: First Year
Major: Computer Science + Economics
Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC
Position: incoming Village East/Millbrook STC
What made you want to join STS?
Because I like helping people, and it’s a job that’s relevant to my interests.
What have you learned here so far?
I have learned about how WashU’s IT department is structured, and the steps STS takes to help students with their tech issues.
What are your hobbies outside of STS?
Outside of STS I’m involved in black student organizations like NSBE, I work for the Center for Teaching and Learning, and I like playing and watching soccer and basketball.
What is something you are looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to being done with all my finals and going into summer break.
What is a secret talent that you possess?
I can beat anyone in FIFA.