Check out the June IT All Hands recording and materials 

Explore the recording and materials from the June IT All Hands meeting. Watch as the Senior Leadership Team, led by WashU IT CIO Jessie Minton, recap FY24 goals. Hear about professional development opportunities through the WashU McKelvey School of Engineering. Learn more about WashU IT’s apprentice program and gain insights from a presentation on behalf […]

The last STS All-Staff Meeting of the year: Celebrating Student Techs 

As the academic year ends, STS celebrated the final STS all-staff meeting on April 19th. This last meeting acknowledged the contributions of the student techs who have dedicated their time and skills throughout the year. It was also a chance to gather all the student techs who’ve worked with STS this year, including the soon-to-be […]

Student Technology Services (STS): April Fool’s Event: A Playful Twist on “Free Apple”

 April Fool’s Day at WashU often brings a playful spirit, and this year, Student Technology Services (STS) took the opportunity to join in the fun with a creative prank that left students both amused and delighted.  STS decided to host a giveaway advertised as offering “free apple products” to students. The announcement sparked curiosity and […]

Pause to technology purchases and projects involving student data

As we approach the start of the complicated go-live year for  Workday Student, we are asking that schools and units pause the purchase of new technologies or the start of new technical projects that involve student data. This pause is temporary but necessary to ensure no negative impacts to our transition to Workday Student. Further, we […]

Bridging Academia and Industry: DevSTAC’s Interdisciplinary Excellence Shines in their Latest Project, WashU GPT Test Report 

In 2016, the IT Director Dr. Sherry Holmes launched DevSTAC program, an interdisciplinary group of student employees who can be hired to develop and integrate emerging technology to satisfy the client’s needs, in hopes of bridging the gap between the academics in real-life work experience in technology for students. The DevSTAC members found the program […]

Student Tech Services (STS): Meet The STS Student Techs – Gabbi Arguello

Name: Gabbi Arguello Grade: Freshman Major: Computer Science Major + Finance Major Position at STS: SP24 Hitzeman, Hurd & Meyers STC – (FA24/SP25 Eliot STC) What made you want to work at STS?  I’ve had my fair share of computer problems, so developing the skills to fix technical issues sounded like an exciting opportunity. Additionally, […]

Student Tech Services (STS) and Tech Den Student Staff Undergo Comprehensive Training on Service Now Dashboard and FERPA Compliance

Last Saturday, in a proactive move to keep up to date on skills and ensure compliance, the Student Technology Services (STS) department organized additional training sessions for student staff from both STS and Tech Den. The focus of these sessions was to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the newly updated […]

At-a-Glance Team Documents 2023 Updates

Newly updated team-focused IT at-a-glance documents are here, offering an introduction for new and existing IT staff who want to learn about WashU IT. These materials are quick references about services each team provides, offer background about how to request work, as well as information about team leadership, and how to view active work different teams have […]

Student Tech Services (STS): Tech Den’s 3D printing service adds value to the student experience 

The 3D printing service provided by Tech Den, serving both Danforth and medical students, has proven to be an invaluable and needed service that enhances and advances the student experience. With the growing demand for inclusive, expanded, and discipline-agnostic student exposure to this resource, it is essential to have a knowledgeable and driven leader in […]