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HIPAA, Epic, acronyms, and more; making communications clear 

It’s not HIPPA (like a hippo), it’s HIPAA, which stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Epic isn’t an acronym, and it’s not capitalized. Epic1 refers to our WashU and BJC team that supports the Epic application.  

EDRM could be Enterprise Data Reference Model or Electronic Discovery Reference Model. PT could be physical therapy or proposal tracking.  
The ABC and XYZ of WashU can be confusing. Whether you’re new to WashU IT or you’ve been with the organization for many years, check out the list of commonly used acronyms in this knowledge base article. (Click “log in” on the right side of the red Knowledge Bases banner to gain access to the article).

If you review the list and notice some acronyms that aren’t included, please check out the article and add to this living resource. This tool helps improve the way we communicate with each other, our partners and our stakeholders. 

Please note, WU references within the list have been updated to WashU, to reflect our new brand.