The theme of November is ‘Gratitude: Making Lives Better.’ Practicing gratitude is fairly simple, really. Look for the good things that surround you and take note. The opportunity to give to the 100 Neediest Cases is here. I invite you to learn more about the families who will be helped through your generosity this year.

Each year, we participate in the United Way’s 100 Neediest Cases campaign and help make the lives of some families in need brighter. The outpouring of support from WashU IT is always inspirational. This year we have identified six families who can benefit from some holiday cheer. Together, we can ensure they receive gifts and a special holiday meal, while also taking part in a leadership challenge.
WashU IT will introduce three teams, each led by senior leaders. Each team will adopt two families. Each of the six families has submitted a list of items they need, as well as some “wish list” items. Gift cards for food and household supplies are also available to purchase and donate to the families.
To get started, we encourage you to identify which team you are part of based on your reporting structure. Please note, you will hear from your team captains throughout the campaign.
Team captains, and the families each team is sponsoring, which are named by type of holiday cookie, follow.
Select the link connected to each family to learn about their unique circumstances and ways to help with utilities and rent:
Amy Walter’s Team:
- Jaffa cakes
- Thumbprints
Or you can access a list of needs for both families and sign up to donate.
Jen Stedelin and the Sunrise Team:
- Butter
- Florentine
Or you can access a list of needs for both families and sign up to donate.
Greg Hart, Russell Sharp, and Chris Shull’s Team:
- Lace
- Fig Rolls
Or you can access a list of needs for both families and sign up to donate.
In addition to buying gifts or gift cards for the families you are supporting; you are encouraged to take part in giving in other ways. This can be by donating items directly to the United Way or other organization this holiday season or helping with the collection effort. Each time you give, your group will receive an engagement point. The number of engagement points earned will depend on the volume of special things each person on your team does.
Thomas Walker, Senior Customer Relationship Manager, will collect gifts at 4480 Clayton Avenue throughout the week until Dec. 13. Those attending the annual holiday party at Topgolf, 16851 N. Outer 40 Road, Chesterfield, from 12-3 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5 can bring their items to the event. Gifts and gift cards can be mailed to Sarah Grantham, 569 W. Glendale Road, Webster Groves, MO 63319. If none of these options will work, arrangements can be made to have items picked up from your home.
To learn more about ways you can become engaged in this campaign, visit the 100 NC Teams Channel, keep an eye on your email for updates, attend a gift-wrapping party, or celebrate with us in person at Topgolf.
Special gift-wrapping days will be hosted again, giving employees the opportunity to take part in a coordinated group effort with their peers and earn engagement points. More details to come.
Sarah Grantham
Application Developer Lead