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April 3: Atlassian Cloud Migration

The first migration to the Atlassian Cloud will be underway in less than two weeks. IT-related Confluence spaces and Jira projects are scheduled to migrate March 30-April 2. (Business-related spaces and projects and RIS will migrate in late Spring.) The new cloud environment will be available Monday, April 3.

Please note that any edits made in the legacy environment during the migration (March 30-April 2) will need to be recreated in Cloud. Legacy spaces and projects will be changed to read-only on Sunday, April 2, and will be available for read-only access through October 2023.

A huge thanks goes out to our 73 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) participants! The Group 1 UAT testing window opened on Monday, March 6 and runs for two weeks. Reported defects are being promptly reported and resolved with our vendor partner, and training documentation is being updated with workarounds as appropriate. 

User training will kick off on March 20th and run for three weeks.  If you are a Confluence or Jira user, sign up for end-user training sessions for the Atlassian Cloud versions of Confluence and Jira through Learn@Work.

Training will cover new features and functionality that will modernize user experience. After attending UAT training, Carrie Maynard said, “I am so excited to begin utilizing the new functionality that is coming with the Cloud version of Atlassian! Advanced Roadmaps will help us make long-term plans across teams. Automation in Confluence and Jira will help us with repetitive tasks and allow our teams to focus on more meaningful work.”

The training will also cover migration considerations. These considerations include what can be refactored by users before or after migration. For example, Comala boards will need to be recreated in Confluence, and project avatars will need to be reassigned in Jira. Josh Edwards, Senior Director of Enterprise Applications, expressed his gratitude for the team, “being this far ahead of migration and having such a robust list of things that are going to be affected and all the work that the project team is doing to highlight and manage expectations.” To access a complete list of the affected features and functionalities, see User Migration Preparation section of the Atlassian Cloud Migration Webpage.

The project team is continuing to identify and mitigate migration considerations to reduce the impact of migration on end users. Daniel Hammond, Assistant Director of Enterprise Applications, commented that, “The team has worked incredibly hard to get us to this milestone, and I am grateful for all of their efforts. Like any migration, we know that there will be issues that need to be resolved, but we are committed to making the process as painless as possible.” 

To learn more about the project, please visit the Atlassian Cloud Migration webpage or contact the project team.