Explore some of the many benefits available to WashU employees 

At the start of the New Year, it’s a great time for WashU employees to explore the many benefits that are available to them. In addition to excellent healthcare and tuition benefits for employees and their dependents, and retirement investment options, check out adoption benefits, gym membership and community organization discounts, and more.  As an […]

Student Tech Services (STS): Looking back on Tech Den’s Fall – advancing innovation, collaboration and community at WashU

This fall has been an exciting time for Tech Den, filled with milestones that showcase the team’s hard work, collaboration, and alignment with WashU IT’s ImpacT Strategic Plan. From a successful orientation season to meeting rising demands for services, Fall 2024 was all about progress, innovation, and supporting the university’s mission.  In August, Tech Den’s […]

ServiceNow offers ITIL Fulfillers the option to stay informed of incidents while on the go

As an ITIL Fulfiller, you can choose to set your user preferences to receive SMS notifications at a chosen phone number when incidents are assigned to you or your workgroup. To begin receiving SMS notifications, add and enable a mobile phone as a delivery channel using the instructions below. At any time, you can disable […]

Information Security policy library update

The Office of Information Security (OIS) recently completed a major revision and expansion of the OIS policy and standards library. The goal of the project is to foster a strong security culture at WashU through clear and comprehensive coverage of all recommendations in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF).  All OIS […]

Effective February 17, 2025: Some Older Apple Devices will not support Duo 2FA Authentication

Cisco, our Duo Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) vendor, has announced that the Duo Mobile App will not function on Apple devices running iOS 15 or below effective February 17, 2025. Customers who have used an Apple mobile device which will either need to be updated or replaced have received email notifications with specific instructions. Please see […]

WashU IT OCM team engages in accessibility training for enhanced skills and greater inclusivity 

The IT Organizational Change Management (OCM) team has embarked on a journey to deepen their knowledge and professional skills in accessibility, defined as the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The initiative aligns with the WashU IT Customer Experience Plan, which aims “to make our customers feel confident, valued, and […]

Congratulations to WashU CIO Jessie Minton; winner of the 2024 Orbie Award in Large Enterprise Category 

WashU’s Chief Information Officer and Vice Chancellor for Technology, Jessie Minton, recently was named the 2024 Orbie award winner in the Large Enterprise category by the Inspire Leadership Network. The organization, which has recognized excellence in technology leadership since 1998, honors chief information officers who drive innovation and transform their region through their demonstrated excellence.  […]

Getting a new mobile device over the holidays? Don’t forget to register it for Duo 2FA. 

For those getting a new mobile device, cellphone or tablet this holiday season remember to register it for 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) with WashU. The WashU 2FA How-To’s page offers guidance and more information.  Or you can select a link below that applies to your situation:  Please note, as of last fall, you can add the […]

Check out these travel safety tips for the holiday season

As the holiday travel season gets underway, it’s important to stay mindful of your personal and WashU-related information security. The Office of Information Security is here to help you prepare and protect your data while on the go.  Traveling can pose unique security risks, but with a little advanced planning, you can minimize them. If […]