IT Staff News Planview

Planview: Alternate Timesheet Approvers

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Please remember to submit your Planview timesheet by noon today.

Alternate Timesheet Approvers

All Timesheet Approvers should delegate an Alternate Timesheet Approver.

Timesheet Approvers can give another user access to the timesheets of the resources for whom they are the Final Timesheet Approver. Note that the alternate can approve the original Timesheet Approver’s resources’ timesheets, but no further delegation is supported.

Mellarie Thomas will be emailing all Resource Managers the current Planview Alternate Timesheet Approver list this week. Please review and confirm that your correct alternate timesheet approver is listed.

All Resource Managers should inform their Alternate Timesheet Approvers when they will be out of office for business, vacation, leave or sick time. The Alternate Timesheet Approvers should be aware that they may need to approve time without notice from the Resource Manager. The assigned Alternate Timesheet Approver can log in and approve timesheets, but will not receive any email alerts indicating that timesheets are awaiting approval.

Alternate Timesheet Approval Guide

Time Submission Leaderboard

The following departments achieved over 93% for submitting timesheets on time last week.

  • Information Security Office – 100%
  • IT Administration – 100%

The following departments achieved over 93% for approving timesheets on time last week.

  • Enterprise Data Management – 100%
  • IT Administration – 100%
  • IT OCIO – 100%
  • Enterprise Applications – 97%

Nice job and thank you!

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