Why can’t I log in to Planview?

  1. Check the URL.
    1. Go to https://wustl.ppmpro.com. You should see the WUSTL connect page to log in. (Note: do not go to www.innotas.com to log in).
  2. Check your browser.
    1. Try completely closing your browser, and then reopening it. This is particularly important to do on any shared computer to clear other login credentials that may be interfering with your attempt to log in.
  3. Contact ppmo@wustl.edu to check on your account.

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Why can’t I log in to Planview?

  1. Check the URL.
    1. Go to https://wustl.ppmpro.com. You should see the WUSTL connect page to log in. (Note: do not go to www.innotas.com to log in)…

What browser should I use for Planview?

Planview works in all major browsers, but you will have the best experience in a browser supported by Planview. You can find the latest system requirements here.

When is Planview scheduled downtime?

Planview has a scheduled maintenance window every Friday night at midnight, Central Time. During this time, users are unable to login to Planview. On the third Friday…