Submitted by Oana Jackson
Following the June 3rd emergency alert on the Danforth Campus, STS partnered with WUPD to facilitate a safety meeting for the summer techs. Lt Bob Wayne of WUPD shared best practices for safety and encouraged everyone to use a safety whistle (available for free at WUPD) and to register for a self-defense class.
“In Defense of SELF” is a Washington University Police Department developed one-hour program for faculty, staff, students and family members. The program teaches easy-to-use strategies that anyone can employ for protection in the event of an attack.
This course is not a “hands-on” self-defense course but is intended to teach participants to recognize dangerous or hazardous situations, raise personal awareness and provide options for situations in which they must defend themselves.
In Defense of SELF instructors are all certified police officers and certified self-defense instructors through the Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) System.
To register for a self-defense class contact