Submitted by Oana Jackson

Name: Julian Wu
Grade: Sophomore – WashU Class of 2023
Major: Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Electrical Engineering
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Position(s): STS Social Media Lead, Liggett Koenig & HIG STC, 3D Tech
How long have you been with STS?
A little over a year now
Who’s your favorite coworker and why?
It would definitely have to be Brendan, we worked a lot over the summer and it was just really fun working together.
What advice would you give to someone starting out at STS?
Definitely get to know the full-time staff well, they genuinely care about what’s going on in your life and are willing to be flexible with your schedule!
What is a fact that isn’t commonly known about you?
When I was little, my brother cracked my skull on the fireplace and I have a small bald spot on my head because of it.
Favorite thing to eat on campus?
The tenders, I got one almost every day for a month before.
What are your favorite activities outside of STS?
The gym, video games, and spending time with people I care about.
What are you looking forward to in the future?
Not taking 20 credits