Submitted by Renée Lowry
Are you SIRIUS? Not anymore!
Lab Animal Management & Protocol System (LAMPS) launched its first module, eProtocol, in July 2019. Today, we are excited to welcome its peer module Lab Animal Resource Management System (LARS) into the research community!
LARS, the new animal billing, and cage management module, was officially live Friday, May 1, replacing SIRIUS, which surpassed its expected lifespan. The LARS system will also manage the business operations (animal ordering, census tracking, per diem and services billing, etc.) for the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) and introduce a barcode scanning component to improve accuracy and facilitate management of the animal and cage census process.
With the support of our sponsors and project leadership, we were able to deliver as committed. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued driving forward supporting the common good our project represents and the research community we support.
A sincere thank you to our sponsors and project leadership for their vision, support and guidance through this transition:
- Dr. Jennifer Lodge, Vice Chancellor for Research, Associate Dean for Research, Professor, Molecular Microbiology / Project Sponsor
- Dr. Nirah Shomer, Associate Vice Chancellor/Director of DCM, Division of Comparative Med / Project Sponsor
- Amy Walter, Assistant Vice Chancellor, WashU IT-Enterprise Applications / Project Sponsor
- Dr. Johnnie Cartwright, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research & Chief of Staff, Vice Chancellor For Research
- Jeneane Braden, Assistant Vice Chancellor Research Integrity & Ethics, Vice Chancellor For Research
- Steven Carpenter, Director Facilities Comparative Medicine, Division of Comparative Medicine
- Kenndall Dolan, Director of Enterprise Applications, WashU IT-Enterprise Applications
A HUGE thank you to all past and present LAMPS project team members. Our current core team members include:
- Michele Grunwald – DCM Functional Lead
- Tracy Livingston – Facilities Functional Lead
- Ryan Mulvaney – Change Manager
- Jessica Brannan – Communications Specialist
- Keith Vaughan – OVCR Production Support
- Andrea Raymond – OVCR Production Support
- Jason Clevenger – Solution Architect
- Kristina Karrenbrock – Technical Lead
- Jean Shuler – Business Alignment Lead
- Crissy McKinney – Enterprise Applications Production Support
- Kim Scharringhausen – Performance Support Analyst
- Anu Dhawan – Business Analyst
- Renée Lowry – Project Manager
Great Job Team!