Services providing instructional technology and resources directly supporting teaching and learning. Includes learning management systems, instructional technology and design, assessment and learning analytics, polling and surveys, and lecture capture.
Request Services
MyCanvas Service Requests – service request forms related to the MyCanvas Learning Management System, including external tool integration requests, adding a guest to a course, and requesting a demo course.
External Tool Support Requests – request forms related to existing MyCanvas External Tools, including Kaltura, Poll Everywhere, and Turnitin.
3D Printing – request student 3D printing services from Student Technology Services.
Service Information
MyCanvas – the primary Learning Management System for Washington University in St. Louis.
Zoom – a web-based video conferencing service available through WashU IT Media Services and integrated with Canvas.
Kaltura – a video recording, uploading, editing, and management system. Kaltura supports lecture capture, video uploads, screencasts, tutorials, and more.
Poll Everywhere – a student response system (polling software) that allows a student to respond to questions that instructors pose.
EdTech Tools – an overview of educational technologies centrally supported by WashU, with teaching guides and tutorials for each tool.
Classroom Services – support for instructors at WashU including on-call assistance, troubleshooting, and trainings on classroom technologies.