Can I Still Use Call Me or Passcode Authentication?
Yes. WashU 2FA passcode and call me authentication methods are still options for individuals with a verified need, such as International Travel, provided you have received an approved DUO Exception Request from the Office of Information Security.
Follow the steps below to submit a DUO Exception Request. If approved, you will be allowed to use the Call Me or Passcode authentication method.
- Navigate to the DUO Exception Request Form (this is a vended 3rd party service)
- Enter your WashU email address on the OneTrust login page
- Enter your WUSTL Key login credentials and WashU 2FA if prompted to do so
- Select Launch on the Duo Exception Request task.

Can I opt out?
No, enrollment for access to identified systems is mandatory.
Can I Still Use Call Me or Passcode Authentication?
Yes. WashU 2FA Call Me and Passcodes are still options for individuals with an approved DUO Exception Request from the Office of Information Security.
Can I transfer the Duo app from one device to another?
While the app transfers from device to device, the configuration of each device are specific and will need to be reactivated on new devices.
Can I use 2FA while traveling or when I have poor connection?
Yes. In the Duo mobile app, simply click the key on the upper right-hand side of the screen or…
Can I use 2FA without racking up data or messaging costs on my mobile device?
Yes. Open the Duo app on your smartphone or tablet and select the Duo key icon in the…
Can I use an international phone number?
Yes. Duo accepts international phone numbers.
Can I use multiple devices?
Yes! You can enroll your mobile phone, your landline phone, and your tablet.
Did You Log in Somewhere Without WashU 2FA ?
All University websites that ask you for a username and password should utilize WashU 2FA. If you’ve logged in somewhere that didn’t employ 2FA, please report the website to the WashU IT Service Desk for review at
Do you need WashU 2FA support or have any questions?
Please contact the WashU IT Service Desk at 314-933-3333.