WashU Enterprise Applications is changing its name to Enterprise Systems and Solutions (ESS). ESS, which falls under the scope of Jen Stedelin, Deputy CIO for Academic and Administrative Technologies, will still deliver the same exceptional service and expertise to the WashU community. The new name is a more accurate reflection of the team’s evolved holistic […]
Category: Home Page Feature
WashU Elevates Educational Experiences with Secure and Modern Networks
In April 2024, Washington University in St. Louis selected Extreme Networks to modernize its network infrastructure and create a strategic foundation for delivering innovative and secure technology-based learning. The move to an end-to-end network fabric helps the university enhance security and simplify network complexity for student and staff productivity and campus operations. This network upgrade simplifies network […]
CIO Jessie Minton is a finalist for a 2024 ORBIE award; Large Enterprise category
Finalists for the St. LouisCIO organization’s 2024 ORBIE awards are named, and WashU Chief Information Officer Jessie Minton is one of six vying for the coveted awards in the Large Enterprise category. The Large Enterprise category includes CIOs with organizations realizing an annual revenue of more than $1.5 billion. The St. LouisORBIE awards honor chief […]
WashU IT CIO Jessie Minton to serve as panelist for TechLX State of IT Leadership
WashU Vice Chancellor for Technology and Chief Information Officer Jessie Minton will serve as one of four panelists for a TechLX event on Wednesday. The State of IT Leadership CIO Roundtable will take place from 4-4:45 pm. Minton will be joined by fellow panelists Amanda McClerren, CIO and Head of Digital Transformation and IT at […]
WashU IT and Workday Support Thinksgiving teams forming now
Those in WashU IT and Workday Support interested in taking part in the annual Thinksgiving day of collaboration and problem solving to benefit local non-profits should complete a survey by the end of the day Friday, Sept. 20th to be considered. Teams will form fast, so act now. Thinksgiving connects St. Louis nonprofits with innovative teams […]
WashU IT At-a-Glance Team Documents
Newly updated team-focused IT at-a-glance documents are here, offering an introduction for new and existing IT staff who want to learn about WashU IT. These materials are quick references about each team’s services, offer background about how to request work, and provide information about team leadership and how to view different teams’ active work on their docket. […]
Security Microlearning Schedule Adjustment and Other Improvements
Thank you for participating in our security awareness microlearning. Your feedback has been invaluable to the success of this project. We are adjusting our training schedule to align our microlearnings with the beginning of each month and to prepare for the addition of the rest of the Central Fiscal Unit (CFU) soon. Your next assigned […]
RADAR: Research Administration Data and Reporting
Since the Fall of 2022, a project team from WashU IT Enterprise Applications has been working on RADAR, a new custom application that will be used by Departmental Research Administrators throughout the University. The core project team members include: Jimmy Dorman – Project Manager, Scott Hughes – Technical Lead, Nick Kondis, Collin Holthaus, Mark Siffer, […]
WashU IT leadership shares FY25 Goals at recent All Hands meeting
WashU IT’s FY25 Goals inspired the conversation at the IT All Hands meeting held this week. The Senior Leadership Team, led by Chief Information Officer Jessie Minton, walked through the exciting hi WashU IT’s FY25 Goals inspired the conversation at the IT All Hands meeting held this week. The Senior Leadership Team, led by Chief […]
Building Connections: Tech Den Welcomes Back Students to WashU
At WashU IT, we’re dedicated to meeting students where they are—and for new students, that means being present from day one. That’s why Tech Den proactively reached out to all Washington University in St. Louis schools to participate in their student orientation events. “It’s essential for us to connect with students face-to-face, creating a welcoming […]