September 19, 2024 Update:
Effective immediately, faculty should not enter additional data into Interfolio’s CV Builder, aka Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) module.
Faculty who have already entered their data into FAR can download their information into a Word or PDF document at any time.
Please refer to the Interfolio – Exporting Your CV Quick Guide for steps and screenshots.
Faculty should continue to use the Review, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) module for their annual reviews, appointments, promotions, tenure, and transfer of tracks.
Faculty may upload a PDF version of their CVs for annual reviews, consistent with the current process used for appointments, promotions, tenure, and transfer of tracks.
On July 1st we transitioned to using Interfolio’s RPT module for completing annual reviews, promotions, tenure and track changes, and appointments. Since then, our team has answered great questions from faculty, admins, and case managers. Below are the answers to a few frequently asked questions for your convenience.
Note: The Interfolio project team wants to ensure you feel prepared to navigate Interfolio for all appointments, promotions and annual review efforts alongside department/division heads and chairs. The project team is happy to provide department-specific trainings or review sessions. If this interests you, please contact the Interfolio project manager here with suggested days and times your team is available.
Can APGAR still be used for review, promotion, or tenure?
Remember, now is the time to use Interfolio, the APGAR legacy computer application should not be used for annual reviews, promotions, tenure and track changes or appointments dated 7/1/2024 or later.
Note: The WashU Medicine Interfolio application has been customized to reflect the requirements of the revised APGAR policy.
When is Workday used and is RPT used for instructor appointments?

Only volunteer faculty and clinical fellows who need instructor appointments to allow for moonlighting payments should be processed in Workday.

All other instructor appointments must be processed in Interfolio.
Note: User guides with screenshots and instructions for this process and others are available on the Interfolio Project Webpage.
When are data entered into FAR and when are documents uploaded into RPT?
All faculty will upload a PDF of their CV, Executive Summary, and CTIR (If they are on the clinician track) for promotion, tenure, and track changes. A grace period has been initiated until further notice during which faculty can upload documents rather than entering all of their data into FAR.
Is the CTIR required for annual reviews?
Yes, the CTIR is typically required for annual reviews for those on the clinician track.
Note, the CTIR is not required for full Professors. The CTIR replaces the CEP; most departments used the CEP in annual reviews. The CTIR should reflect the story of how the faculty member’s career is evolving over time.
What is required for a track change?
In Interfolio, the CV, track change form and a letter from the Chair is required for a track change. The letter from the Chair should include a brief justification on why the track change is appropriate and what the plan is for the faculty on the new track.
What if there are more questions about RPT or FAR?
Faculty, admins and case managers are welcome to attend live training sessions or office hours to learn more about these modules and have your questions answered. The FAR and RPT live training and office hours schedule, as well as user guides and recorded trainings are accessible on the Interfolio Project Webpage.
Note: The Interfolio project team is willing to provide additional training support to your department. If at any time you feel a department-specific training or review session is needed, please contact the Interfolio project manager here. Please provide suggested days and times your team is available, and our team would be happy to meet and provide additional support.
Additional Support
For questions regarding departmental guidelines, please contact your department’s Interfolio Liaison for department-specific requirements.