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The WUSM InfoSec Subcommittee focuses on the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and other aspects regarding sensitive information related to the university’s School of Medicine. This subcomittee operates within the guidelines and oversight of the Security, Risk & Compliance Domain Committee, whom makes decisions based on the subcommittee’s findings and direction.

Current Subcommittee Membership

Subcommittee MemberSubcommittee Role / Title
Todd HaverstockWUSM InfoSec Subcommittee Co-chair: WashU IT, Associate Chief Information Security Officer
Chris ShullWUSM InfoSec Subcommittee Co-chair: WashU IT, Chief Information Security Officer
Eva AagaardVice Chancellor Medical Education
Sam BhayaniRobert Killian Royce, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Urologic Surgery
Mark LoweVice Chancellor for Research
Vamsi NarraProfessor of Radiology
Paul ScheelVice Chancellor Clinical Affairs
Christine SchorbExecutive Director, Chief HIPAA Privacy Officer
Anna SelbyAssistant Vice Chancellor & Associate General Counsel
Richard StantonVice Chancellor Medical Finance and Administration
Amy WalterWashU IT, Deputy Chief Information Officer – Research, Clinical and Medical Education Technologies