IT News and Events which impact the Washington University community.


WashU IT Website Modernization Underway: Enhancing User Experience Through Seamless Navigation 

We are excited to announce the beginning of the WashU IT Website Modernization project, an important step forward in our ongoing commitment to deliver excellence in customer experience. As part of the ImpacT plan and Here and Next Digital Transformation collaboration, this initiative reflects our dedication to enhancing various facets of our university’s digital infrastructure.  […]

April IT All Hands recording and materials now available

The April IT All Hands meeting recording and presentation materials are now available for review. If you were unable to attend last month’s meeting, or if you just want a recap, please explore the materials from the last meeting, or any of the past meetings from the last several years.

May 17: Maestro user access removal  

As part of the Maestro retirement, Maestro user access will be removed on May 17th, 2024. Please transition to Emma or another application for mass emailing prior to May 17. Visit the  Mass Emailing page  for more information.  Have questions? Submit a ServiceNow ticket  and include  Attention: Enabling Applications in your request.  We appreciate your patience as we […]

Celebrating WashU IT new hires between January-April, 2024

It takes the commitment and dedication of a talented team to position WashU IT as the trusted strategic partner at WashU. Since January, we have added to our diverse and skilled group of professionals, helping pave the way to a bright and vibrant future.  Welcome to our new contractors and full-time employees.  Welcome to our […]

Celebrating WashU IT promotions between January-April 2024

When employees are promoted, it is a time for teams to celebrate their internal talent and recognize the hard work, dedication, and accomplishments exhibited by individuals. Since January, there have been some promotions that help position WashU IT for future success.  Congratulations are in order to recognize some talented professionals who have exemplified the tenets of […]


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Outage Calendar

The current status of  WashU IT services and planned system/service outages and maintenance can be found at