Microsoft Office

Office 2016 and newer versions offer improved productivity features and integration with the collaborative Office 365 environment.

Sign into your Washington University Office account

Office for Home – Instructions for downloading and activating Microsoft Office apps for personal computers and mobile devices.

Microsoft Office

What’s new in Office 2016?

What’s new in Office 2019?

Quick Guides

Windows: Office Quick Guides

Mac: Office Quick Guides

Microsoft Online Training

Microsoft’s Office 365 Training Center

Microsoft Word Help Center

Microsoft Excel Help Center

Microsoft PowerPoint Help Center

Microsoft OneNote Help Center

Microsoft Outlook Help Center

Microsoft Teams Help & Learning

Microsoft Access Help Center

Applications and Extensions

Office Mix 

Office 2013

What’s new in Office 2013?

Office 2013 Quick Guides

What’s new in Excel 2013

Switching to Word 2013

Basic Tasks in Word 2013

What’s new in PowerPoint 2013

Switching to Outlook 2013

Support Contacts

Need help accessing or using Office 365 services?  Please use the contact information below to request assistance: